
How to Stay Sane in Chiropractic School

March 7, 2022

School is tough no matter what level or age, and chiropractic school is no exception. The curriculum is intense and fast-paced. Chiropractic school is not for the faint of heart but it can also be highly rewarding despite the challenges. For the next 3 to 5 years of your life, you will be immersed in learning not only about chiropractic but also about yourself. Life goes on outside of school. People will change, chapters will begin and some will end. The question is, do you know how to thrive along this journey? The good news is, many have gone before you and have left behind some of the tips that helped them stay sane through school.

Something drew you to chiropractic. Everyone has a story and a reason. It is vital that you keep your reason, your why, in the forefront of your mind and let it drive you forward into your purpose. Let’s face it, studying can be tedious and draining, demanding hours of focus and concentration. Those hours chip away from time with family and friends and have a direct impact on those relationships. During this time, it is normal and healthy to evaluate the relationships that are truly important and let the others fade into the background. You won’t be in school forever, and the sacrifices you make now, pave the way for your future success.

Find Your Tribe

At times, getting through chiropractic school will seem like an insurmountable task, but always keep pushing yourself forward. Surround yourself with a group that supports and encourages you. Remember, you are not going through this experience alone. No one understands what you’re going through better than your fellow classmates, so, lean into them for support. Create new friendships with those who have the same passion and fire for chiropractic. Those will be the relationships you carry with you into the future.

Get Involved 

There are so many different technique clubs, business clubs, philosophy clubs, and other creative groups that meet on and off-campus. Check out as many different groups as you can! Don’t let yourself get boxed in by one technique or one business management group. Try them all! Because now is the time to sample and explore. Once you get into practice, your focus will primarily be on fine-tuning what you know. So now is the time to learn as much as you can and discover what you love. When a school has you feeling burnt out, go listen to a philosophy talk and let someone else’s passion stir you up again. Go to seminars on the weekends and shadow different chiropractic offices. The doctors you meet will encourage you and push you to be the best you can be.

Dream Big

Start a journal describing your dream practice. Shadow as many offices as you can. Jot down what you like and don’t like about each place you visit. Describe your ideal patient. Hang out with people who think bigger than you do: people who have a mind for business, people who are masters at their craft. Listen to excellent speakers and get around great thinkers. Start a vision board and fill it up with dreams you want to make a reality.

Find a Creative Outlet

You will eventually come to a point where you just can’t study anymore. Put the books down and take a break. Trust me, you need to take those mental breathers! You will absorb the material better when you give yourself time in between study sessions. Get outside and explore! Go for a hike or have a picnic with friends. It is important to maintain your physical health while in school. So, find a gym you like, a place where you can release all that stress.

Take time for yourself. Your mental health is so important and should be protected at all costs. Reduce unnecessary negativity by taking time off social media- it’s usually a time waster anyway. Go to a local concert and get lost in the music. Host a paint-and-sip for your friends. Visit the local farmers market and enjoy the delicious food and admire the art. Get involved in the community. If you need some extra cash- and let’s face it, what student isn’t broke- pick up a part-time job at a place that has nothing to do with chiropractic. It can be refreshing to get an outsider’s perspective. And when you’re ready to get back to the books, change up your study location. Find a cool coffee shop and invite a buddy to join. Create a study group to combine practice with a bit of fun.

Don’t Give Up

This is not an easy path you’ve chosen and not everyone makes it to the end of this journey. You’ll be a different person at graduation from the person who sat in chiropractic principals 101. But there is a community waiting for you to step into your destiny. The world needs what you have to offer. So don’t quit! Keep your dreams and your purpose with you as you sit through the tedious lectures and take difficult exams. Use failures as stepping stones and celebrate your wins. You can do more than survive chiropractic school- you can thrive in chiropractic school!

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