Professionals Students

The Biggest Misconception About Chiropractic

June 15, 2022

SillyChiro asked over 10 thousand Chiropractors…


It’s sometimes shocking the kinds of questions patients will ask. I’m sure you’ve found yourself scratching your head on more than one occasion trying to come up with a decent response to their off-the-wall query. You’re not alone in this predicament. Thousands of chiropractors gave us their list of the top most common misconceptions patients have about chiropractic.

Implementing patient education can help clear up most of these misconceptions, but it can be frustrating to feel like you’re constantly defending your work. Being a chiropractor in the current healthcare environment is a lot like swimming upstream. Surrounding yourself with a group of like-minded individuals can help give you fresh perspectives and prevent burnout.

  1. The most common misconception: chiropractors are not real doctors

I just want to grind my teeth when I hear people say chiropractors aren’t real doctors. A few weeks ago, I was taking a new patient’s history when he made a statement that caused me to roll my eyes internally. He said he had to talk to his “real doctor, you know my MD.” I doubt he even realized why he said this, so I just let the comment go and continued with my exam.

Many people still believe that chiropractors aren’t real doctors

There are many people who simply don’t realize how many years of schooling and hours of studying it takes to gain the title of chiropractor. Sure, you could take the time to go through a list comparing the classes we take vs what medical and osteopathic doctors take. But why not let your actions educate your patients? I was speaking with a patient the other day, helping him trouble shoot the cause of his pain. I began drawing connections between the trauma he experienced as a young child to the pain he was having 20 years later. He was shocked and said, “Wow, no one has ever taken the time to listen and go into this much detail, thank you.” In that moment, I won his respect and he began trusting me as his doctor.

  1. We treat only neck and back pain

The first adjustment took place on September 18, 1895 when DD Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard, as I’m sure you know. Lillard was unable to hear out of his left ear and DD, who was experienced in the magnetic healing arts, palpated and adjusted the misaligned bone thus restoring Harvey’s hearing. Many know this story, but few know what happened after his initial adjustment. Shortly after his hearing was restored, Harvey began experiencing heart problems.

Chiropractors treat extremities! Say it louder for the people in the back!

DD palpated his thoracic spine and found a subluxation at the vertebra from which nerves exit to innervate the heart. Immediately after being adjusted, Harvey experienced relief from his cardiac symptoms.

Here are two great examples from the founding of chiropractic that have nothing whatsoever to do with back pain. Someone who has never been to a chiropractor before might be totally unaware of this origin story. Many offices have the history of chiropractic posted on their wall so patients see that we do indeed treat more than just back pain.

Not only this, but an incredible amount of chiropractors treat nearly all musculoskeletal conditions today, including extremities.

  1. We only adjust and “crack” bones

“Crack me like a glow stick, doc!” The internet is full of memes like these and the rise of social media has created an interesting phenomenon for chiropractors. Videos like the “ring dinger” on YouTube have skyrocketed in popularity with millions of views and created much speculation and curiosity. And with new platforms like TikTok, more and more chiropractors are taking advantage of the opportunity to show the general public what we do. Hashtags like ”chiropracticcrack” and ”chiropracticasmr” are creating huge fan followings of the “crack.” Social media can be a great place to educate the curious and explain more about chiropractic beyond all those crack videos.

  1. That we do not refer to/ that we disagree with other providers

There’s no denying chiropractic has had a turbulent history. In the 1960s and 1970s, the American Medical Association tried to discredit chiropractic all together. Thankfully, they failed. But since that time, chiropractors have fought an uphill battle to be accepted and validated by their peers. With the emergence of more research, some in the medical community are starting to become more open to the benefits chiropractic care offers. Though it sometimes feels like swimming through mud, it’s worth making the effort to network with other providers and seek to work together in patient care.

  1. Treatment is painful/hurts

A doctor once told me, ”Chiropractors are like a box of chocolates: you never know what kind you’ll get.” And I

Always communicate with patients so they understand what we do and how we do it.

have found that to be true.

There are so many different personalities, techniques and philosophies that make up our wonderful profession.

But unfortunately, some patients have had a negative experience in the past which prevents them from wanting to get adjusted again. It’s important to treat each patient with kindness and understanding. If you sense their anxiety, tell them what to expect during their adjustment. Talking them through an adjustment with confidence and compassion will put your patient more at ease.

I know it can be tough to face some of these misconceptions, but think of them more as opportunities to educate and explain what you do. This is a great profession and we see amazing things on a daily basis. Try not to get bogged down by all the naysayers out there and surround yourself with a community who encourages you and keeps your passion for chiropractic alive!

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