
We asked over ten thousand chiropractors: “What are the biggest mistakes you’ve made?”

April 28, 2022

 Here’s what they had to say:


As you near the end of school or maybe you’ve just graduated, do you ever feel overwhelmed with all of the uncertainties looming in your future? There are so many opportunities you need to sort through and decisions you have to make. We asked over 10 thousand chiropractors to help you sort through this pivotal time to tell us some of the biggest mistakes newbies make!

There we were, standing in a flurry of black robes trying to straighten our oddly shaped hoods and graduation caps. Restlessness moved through us as we waited for that most anticipated moment. We could hear the music start to rumble and the crowd beyond the curtain began to cheer. As I looked into the faces of my fellow colleagues, I couldn’t help but smile- we did it. We finally finished a long and difficult journey. One filled with countless late night study sessions and early morning lectures, national board exams and too many finals to count. We made lasting friendships and began to plan for a future full of hopeful dreams.

After the party guests leave and you realize you no longer have to wake up for early classes, reality sets in. Student loan debt looms in the future as you try to determine what steps to take next to make those dreams a reality. Deciding what course of action to take is not always simple when there are so many uncertainties and opportunities to sort through. Fortunately for you, we asked chiropractors to share some of the biggest mistakes new chiropractors make so you can avoid them! Sure, making mistakes is part of learning, but why not avoid some of the pitfalls and save yourself some trouble!

7. Taking the first job offered to them

Know your value! I get it, you’re a new grad and don’t have years of experience yet- that’s okay. Many graduates fall into the trap of thinking that because they are new doctors, they aren’t worth much. Give yourself some credit, you just finished years of difficult schooling. View everything you’ve accomplished so far as experience. Every seminar you went to, all the practical’s you passed, every office you shadowed, every adjustment you made starts to add up. Don’t be afraid to place value in your skills and knowledge. Sure, you have a lot to learn, but even the best doctors out there will tell you they are still learning. There are so many opportunities awaiting you. Take your time and find the option that is the best fit for you!

6. Thinking they know everything

We all knew that one person in chiropractic school that thought they were God’s gift to chiropractic. The trouble with thinking you know everything is that it prevents you from actually learning anything. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you have all the answers. They say, “experience is the best teacher.”  Get out there and get those experiences. Learn as much as you can as often as you can! I heard a speaker once say, “Success is reserved for the action-takers.” Every decision you make today affects the outcomes of tomorrow

5. Trusting their mentor has their best interests in mind

If you look at any successful person, they usually have a strong support team behind them. Having more than one mentor provides a wide variety of advice. We all have different personalities and experiences. Having one mentor and trusting everything they say can box you in and potentially harm your career. Sometimes personal motives get in the way of good intentions. They may have an agenda that is not in your best interest. Stop to ask yourself, why are they helping me and what do they seek to gain from this relationship? Picture where you want to be in the next year, 5 years and 10 years then surround yourself with a team of people who can help you reach those goals.

4. Thinking patients will just ‘show up’ because you’re a doctor

Hopefully you’ve shadowed plenty of offices as a student and learned for yourself that running a practice is not easy. To have a successful business, you need to invest in marketing. How else will people know you’re there if you don’t advertise? If marketing isn’t your strong suit, hire a company to advertise for you and can teach you the basics. Social media marketing is tricky as the algorithm is constantly changing. Take time to learn how to communicate clearly with empathy and confidence. Get out in your local community and make connections!

3. Thinking chiropractic is a one-stop-shop

Chiropractic care is a powerful component to anyone’s health, but it is not the only part. You’ve studied anatomy and physiology enough to know that humans are complex beings. There are so many factors that influence our health. Posture and daily habits, nutrition and exercise also play a huge role in a healthy lifestyle. Combining chiropractic with other health avenues can have a powerful impact on the patient’s life.

2. Not referring out

We’re taught in school when to refer, but real-world patient care isn’t always that black and white. If in doubt, reach out to a colleague or mentor for professional advice. It’s better to be safe than cause harm to the patient by neglecting to get them the help they need. Your patient will respect you for taking their health seriously.

1. Trying to fix everything in one visit

Often new chiropractors are so desperate to get new patients in their doors, they try to solve all their problems on the first visit. But spending more time than necessary won’t make the patient feel more valued. Actively listen to their concerns and address them, but don’t give your time away the first day. The best practice is to act like you’ve got a full schedule to respect their time and build value for yours.

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